
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Catalog # Name Description
1 00.1.10 Model, topographic "Valley Formation". Plaster model depicting geologic environment. Harvard Geographical Models, No. 10. Color: TN
2 00.1.11 Model, topographic "Mature Valley". Plaster model of geologic environment. Harvard Geographical Models, No. 11. Color: TN
3 00.1.12 Model, topographic "Flood Plain", Plaster model of geologic environment. Harvard Geographical Models, No. 12. Color: TN
4 00.1.13 Model, topographic "Flood Plain". Plaster model of geologic environment. Harvard Geographical Models, No. 13
5 00.1.9 Model, topographic "Valley Formation". Plaster model depicting geologic environment. Harvard Geographical Models, No. 9. Color: TN