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Catalog # Name Description
1 2022-27-25 Rattle Magic dance rattle made of reeds, grass, seeds by the Wahiash Tribe East Coast Africa. 40 sticks of dried and treated cane are tied around a base consisting of two flat pieces of wood running vertically and three cylindrical sticks running horizontally between them (one on each end and one in the middle); the base is held together by 6 small metal nails (one at each intersection of the vertical and horizontal pieces) and the thread holding the cane in place which is woven around the central sticks and outside strips. The rattle is full of what appears to be rocks. One of the flat wooden pieces has two labels taped to it; one is white with metallic green lettering and reads "HAND MADE IN NIGERIA FOR BRIMFUL HOUSE"; the other is off-white with black lettering and reads "NSAK FLAT CANE RATTLE".