
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Catalog # Name Description
1 1970. Nose piece Small metal disk worn in the pierced septum mostly by women among the Machiguenga.
2 1970. Purse, change Snap closure. Color: BK,SL
3 1970.78.11.16 Necklace Necklace made of two teeth, two knuckle bones, three finger bones, and pendants made of seeds and pods. Black seeds that have been cut in halves separate the pods and white job's tears make up the other half.
4 1970.78.11.2 Tunic Horizontally striped, handwoven, woman's vest with clusters of seed coverings at the shoulders. Natural in color with stripes being brown. Color: TN,BR
5 1970.78.11.4 Blanket Baby wrapper. Handwoven with a carved bone dangling fringe. Dirty gray-brown with gray horizontal stripes. Bone fringe varies in length from 2" to 4". Color: GY-BR