
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2009.6.14 Crossbow Wooden crossbow with string across the top from Laos. Wood is dark brown. The rope is attached to the horizontal piece of the cross. Near the center of the vertical piece of the cross there is a small rotating piece attached with a wooden screw. Near the top of the rotating piece is a groove on the vertical piece of the cross. Near the top of the vertical piece is a small jutting piece of wood. 2009.6.14 (Crossbow) image
2 2009.6.15 Quiver Six parts: quiver and arrows. A.) Wooden quiver with rope attatched at each end to carry. There are tan and brown candy cane stripes all the way down the quiver. At the top is a hole for small arrows to be set inside and on the bottom is a divet. B.-F.) Small arrows inside the quiver. Each is tan in color with pointed ends. The opposite end has a small wooden tail with black material tying it together. The pointed ends are fairly blunt. 14 1/2" long Color: TN, BN