
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 2005.2.8 Instrument Chinese "moon" guitar with four strings. Short neck with four wooden keys, 2 on each side. Neck connects to a round "pot" decorated with darker wooden carvings located on either side of the strings toward the neck. Soud board is snakeskin. Two different types of wood used, one dark and the other light in color. An ancient instrument that is used in the Chinese theatre, such as in K'un-chiang, Ern-huan
2 2022-27-78 Instrument A long-necked string instrument (Sanxian) from China which falls into the lute family. The body/sound box of the instrument is made from a wooden ring which has snake skin stretched over both the front and the back. The neck is long, thin, and fretless and connects to the body through a rectangular hole in the top, another, much smaller hole in the bottom of the body allows for a small peg at the bottom of the neck to protrude; at the top of the neck is the peg box, which holds three large, tapered, wooden pegs, two protrude out from the proper left side while the other protrudes from the proper right. There are three green strings, (most likely nylon) which attach to the pegs and travel down the neck, through holes in the small, white, plastic bridge on the body of the instrument, and are then tied together around the peg protruding from the bottom of the body. At the very top of the instrument, above the peg box, the wood stretches up and curls over itself, creating a space where a string has been inserted, presumably to allow for the instrument to be hung; there are the remains of a sticker on the wood in the area between the top of the peg box and the curl although what was on the sticker is no longer discernable.
3 2022-27-85 Instrument Chinese JingHu instrument. The neck is made from a hard wood stained a dark brown; the top of the neck is square and has 2 holes through which simple, wooden, teardrop-shaped pegs have been inserted; approximately 1 1/2 cm below the bottom peg the neck transitions into a cylindrical shape; neck is inserted through holes in the soundbox with a small portion coming out from the bottom where the strings are attached. The soundbox is made from a large piece of bamboo; a piece of snakeskin has been stretched over one side of the soundbox, it appears to be held in place with some form of adhesive and a black piece of fabric has been wrapped around the edges, the other side of the soundbox has been left open. One of the strings is made from metal and the other some kind of cord (possibly nylon or silk). On the upper part of the neck, between the two pegs, there is a sticker which appears to have characters written on it, but they are not decipherable. "SAW DUANG" is written in pencil inside of the soundbox.