
CS 228 6.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 Calabash None
2 1982.18.4 Statue Wooden statue of Santo (St. Anthony); standing figure on base of wood. Painted black, brown, green, white; paint very faded and chipped, peeling in places; steel halo holding books with a figure kneeling on them. Color: WH,BR,GR,BK
3 1998.10.3 Hat Made of straw sewn together in a circular pattern. The brim of the hat is very wide. The top of the hat has interweaving pieces of black and white color straw sewn together to form a circle. The circle measures 2 1/2" in diameter. Hanging from either side of the top of the hat are purple and pink ribbons that are 26 1/2" long. There is a piece of pink yarn tied on one bundle of ribbon. The untied ribbon also has a leather strap hanging down next to it measuring 22" long. The inside of the hat has black stripes and a leather strap sewn inside the top of the hat. The strap is 21 3/4" long and tied together with pink yarn. Color: TN,BK,PK,PR