
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Catalog # Name Description
1 2006.10 headdress Headdress with leather cap. Has eagle feathers with yellow plumes on tips. Eagle feathers and down heathers wrapped in red cloth at bottom and attached to leather cap, which also has eagle feathers on it. Feathers hang down over ears. One feather bunch is orange and attached with strands of horse hair. Beading around the bottom with seed beads. Has a triangular pattern with plus signs and crosses on white background. Box the headdress was stored in for years according to donor. Label on box: sent to donor's grandfather from Emley's Curio Store Northbranch Kansas. Sent July 24,1936. Box labeled fragile and package was insured. Shipping price on stamps was 26 cents. Color: br,rd,yl,wh,bl,