
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Catalog # Name Description
1 1970.9.18 Tassel Fifteen strands. 1970.9.18 (Tassel) image
2 1970.9.19 Poncho Neck portion of a child's poncho, light brown with dark red embroidery. 1970.9.19 (Poncho) image
3 1970.9.25 Belt Woven; brown with woven geometrical pattern in 2 browns, red, yellow, and natural. 1970.9.25 (Belt) image
4 1977.69.27 Hair Pre-Columbian bundle of human hair, dark brown. 1977.69.27 (Hair) image
5 1977.69.28 Fibers Pre-columbian cloth fibers. 1977.69.28 (Fibers) image
6 1977.69.29 Rope Pre-Columbian cord or rope; twisted fibers. 1977.69.29 (Rope) image
7 1977.69.32 Soil Sample Soil Sample from Pachacamac, Peru, Archaeological site. collected by Pauline Sauer in August 1977.
8 1977.70.1 Textile Tightly woven thread; cloth fringe at end; colored squares pattern in center. 1977.70.1 (Textile) image
9 1977.70.2 Thread Multi-colored bundle of thread. 1977.70.2 (Thread) image