
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 Stereoscope Includes card slide for focusing. Patented U. S. A., June 11, 1901. a. Stereoscope. b. Slide.
2 1972.2.1 Stereoscope Viewer.
3 2007.17.19a-ddd Model Paper doll style model kit to design your perfect kitchen. A. Holder. B. floor and two walls. C. wall. D-Y wall cabinet. Z-MM corner wall cabinet. NN-TT sinks. UU-VV broom cabinet. WW-XX door. YY stove. ZZ refrigerator. AAA-BBB corner base cabinet or filler. CCC-DDD windos with curtains. 56 pieces and holder box. Color: RD