
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Catalog # Name Description
1 1991.47.1 Mask Loon mask from Nunivak Island. Made of natural light-colored wood. Large loon holding a fish in its mouth. Feathers and other features are painted in black and rust ("red"). Two wooden rings surround the bird and attached to the top one are 13 large black quills. Attached to those real feathers are large wooden ones of various styles in the same colors as the loon. Has thin string for hanging.This mask's intended purpose was for decoration, but created in the style and tradition of Yup'ik mask making. Traditionally, Yup'ik masks were created by shamans, or angalkut, to be worn during dances to bring prosperity to the tribe.The animal represented by the masks were intended to bring a surplus of that particular animal. 1991.47.1 (Mask) image