
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2017-26-22 Idoma Mask The large oval wooden Idoma mask is carved of lightweight wood and displays underpinning umber and black color, decorated with white, as is common in Ibo masks. The object, worn for funerals and representing a spirit, depicts an amorphic face with a large 'laughing' mouth with one row of inserted wooden teeth carved from one piece of wood on the top. Round, prominent ears adorn side of the head and a wide nose centers the face on the forehead, between the outlined, crescent eyes. The figure's visage has been patinated with a deep black pigment, while white circles frame each eye, and while line runs vertically along the figure's forehead; red and black horizontal lines are centered in the white eye-rings, just above the mask's eye slits. A carved crosshatched coiffure decorated the top of the figure's head; a beard of hide and fur affixed with pegs forms a beard along his jaw. 2017-26-22 (Idoma Mask) image
2 2021-19-22 Headdress A Chiwara is an object used in rituals of the Bambara people of Mali. The headdress represents an antelope, and their society uses Chiwara masks in ritual and dance associated with agriculure to teach young Bambara men agricultural techniques and social values. This headdress contains a wood carved antelope standing on a circular wooden platform. The platform has burlap fabric covering the platform as well as the base of the headdress. There are two fabric flaps that drape at the front and back of the base. The antelope is embellished with cowrie seashells sewn into a burlap cloth neck covering. The body and head of the antelope are intricately carved with lines and shapes. The nose of the antelope has a metal ring through the septum. The antelopes ears stretch farther than its curved tail. Native dirt is tacked onto the fabric of the piece.  2021-19-22 (Headdress) image