
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 2022-29-12 Mask This oval face mask is carved with a raised black forehead, bulging white eyes with open slit, large red nose, and open mouth with white teeth and a red tongue. Animal fur is used for the mustache and beard. From the brows around the chin, the mask is decorated with individua, wooden black projections mixed with a few red shot gun shells. The headdress is layered with small black horns. The sides are decorated with geometric fabric, that is white, green, blue, and orange. 2022-29-12 (Mask) image
2 2022-29-13 Mask This elaborately carved wooden mask has a pronounced forehead with a raised vertical line down the center and half circles along the side. Two sets of inward curving horns rise above the bulging eye slits and triangular flaring nose. The horns are covered with rows of metal brads. Braided fiber wraps around the edge of the mask and the top is ornamented with rows of small cowrie shells. Three metal bells hang from the proper left side of the mask. Mouth is open exposing metal teeth. 2022-29-13 (Mask) image
3 2022-29-14 Mask This oval shaped, wood carved mask has a bulging forehead layered with fiber netting stuffed with different trade cloths. The face is painted white with projecting eye slits and wide flaring nose decorated with metal brads and a wooden nose ornament. The mouth is open, top lip has metal brads, and teeth are exposed. Light animal hair and black fiber decorate the sides of the mask. 2022-29-14 (Mask) image