
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2022-29-10 Mask This carved mask has bulging slit eyes and horns on either side, painted white, yellow, red, and blue. Animal hair beard and red shot gun shells, painted yellow on the top with a white dot decorate the lower section of the mask. A painted white stick is insert in the nose. The mouth is open, the tongue is painted red with a blue arrow pointed outward. The top of the mask is ornamented with black and gold thread fabric with a floral design. White painted bells, fabric, and organic material decorate the top. 2022-29-10 (Mask) image
2 2022-29-11 Mask This rectangular shaped mask has a raised forehead, double inward turning horns below the brow, raised cheekbones, triangular nose, and projecting cylinders for eyes. The mouth is open exposing white teeth. A braided fiber band consisting of three rows is the moustache and a black beard covers the chin and sides of the mask. Cowrie shell headdress constructed of a fiber band across the forehead and three U-shaped forms below, covered with rows of shells and central 4 pedal design. 2022-29-11 (Mask) image