
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2009.2.0025 Stool Short stool made of dark brown wood has four legs that are rather wide, decorative carvings on the seat of the stool. A crocodile is located in the center with birds on each corner and a turtle in between the birds. The stool seat is oval in shape. Geometric designs include zig zag, checker and line carved patterns that surrounded the animals. 2009.2.0025 (Stool) image
2 2017-17-11 Stool Men stool with four legs and a large base in the center. Each leg has carved semicircular protrusions along the length. The seat is curved upwards on the ends and has a carved out triangle on either end. 2017-17-11 (Stool) image