
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Catalog # Name Description
1 RSC-JF-11 Book Jefferson County Teachers' Examination Record, 1881-1896. Hardback, black cover, brown leather spine and corners (spine is gone), bound with fabric and thread. Volume 11. 
2 RSC-JF-12 Book Jefferson County Teachers' Examination Record, 1897-1911. Hardback, green cover, brown leather spine and corners, bound with thread and fabric. Volume 12. 
3 RSC-JF-13 Book Jefferson County Teachers' Examination Record, 1907-1913. Hardback, brown leather cover and spine, bound with fabric and thread. Volume 13. 
4 RSC-JF-37 Book Jefferson County District Board of Education Minutes and Financial Records, 1866-1929. Hardback, brown leather cover and spine, bound with thread and fabric, 407 pages. Volume 37. 
5 RSC-JF-42 Book Jefferson County District Board of Education Minutes and Financial Records, Penn Township #6, 1845-1956. Hardback, red leather cover, no spine, bound with fabric and thread, 232 pages. Volume 42.