
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Catalog # Name Description
1 RSC-OB-10 Book O'brien County High School Normal Training Record, 1913-1917. Hardback, black cover, red spine and corners, bound with thread. Volume 9. 
2 RSC-OB-11 Book O'Brien County Teachers' Examination Records, 1882-1892. Includes township maps in the back. Hardback, black cover, brown leather spine and corners, bound with thread. Volume 10.  
3 RSC-OB-14 Book O'Brien County Record of Teachers' Certificates, 1922-1937. Includes a list in the back of all county superintendents that served from 1860-1926. Hardback, red leather cover and spine, bound with fabric and thread, 323 pages. Volume 13. 
4 RSC-OB-2 Book O'Brien County Board of Education Minutes and Appeals, 1875-1901. Hardback, brown and red leather cover and spine, bound with thread and fabric, 320 pages. Volume 1. 
5 RSC-OB-9 Book O'Brien County Superintendents' Record of School Disputes, 1881-1897. Hardback, brown and red leather cover and spine, bound with thread and fabric, 320 pages. Volume 8.