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Catalog # Name Description
1 1975.4.117 Memorandum Teachers Minimum Salary Law, effective July 4, 1919. It reads: " A school board may not legally pay less than the minimum scale; neither is a teacher permitted to accept less. Graduate of 4-year College Course with State Certificate or State Diploma: Minimum - 1st Two Years... $100 per month. Minimum - After 1st Two Years... $120 per month. Graduates of Two Years Normal Course with Diploma or Equivalent: Minimum - 1st Two Years... $80 per month. Minimum - After 1st Two Years... $100 per month. State Certificates of any Grade on Examination: Minimum - 1st Two Years... $80 per month. Minimum - After 1st Two Years... $100 per month. High School Normal Training Certificates: Minimum - 1st Year... $65 per month. Minimum - 2nd Year... $75. Minimum After 1st Two Years... $80 per month. First Grade County Uniform Certificates: Minimum - 1st Two Years... $75 per month. Minimum - After 1st Two Years... $80 per month. Second Grade County Uniform Certificates: Minimum - 1st Year... $60 per month. Minimum - After 1st Year... $65 per month. Third Grade County Uniform Certificates: Minimum Salary... $50 per month." A handwritten note on the back says, "minimum wage law."