Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 2010.17.0012 Bow Wooden Maasai warrior's bow, 5 rings made of lion hide encircle the wood, brown stretchy rope tied at on end in a knot, lion hide rings are a darker brown than the wood, ends of the bow are rounded, an example of what expert archers call a simple bow, the back (farthest from the archer) is smoothed and the belly is rounded for maximum elasticity and power Color: BR
2 2010.17.0015 Spear 3 part warrior's spear, steel bottom, wood center, steel tip, steel blade is joined to a narrow metal shaft with a short wooden grip, section of pale wood indicates junior status, tear drop shaped tip, slender bottom compared to 2010.17.16, spear head is sharpened all around, Assegai style meaning it is used for throwing, spear head and end are attached by hardened wax and socketed to the wood middle Color: BR, SL
3 2010.17.0016 Spear 3 part warrior's spear, steel bottom, wood center, steel tip, steel blade is joined to a narrow metal shaft with a short wooden grip, section of pale wood indicates junior status, oblong blade that flares at bottom, Iklwa style meaning it is used at close contact not for throwing, spear head and end are attached by hardened wax and then socketed to the wood middle, 4 sets of small line designs at base, each section of lines are 2 1/2" long Color: SL, BR