Hat Box 9

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 1974.1.5 Hat Man's. Black felt fedora, creased crown. Brown leather band inside of hat; unlined. Black grosgrain band around crown. 1974.1.5 (Hat) image
2 1980.20.0030 Hat, political "Anderson for President".
3 1996.32.0003 Hat Woman's. Black straw cloche. Hat is all black, and the base is wider than the top. A 2 1/8" black cotton ribbon wraps around entire hat and meets at a black button covered in the same material. Two "tails" of the ribbon end at the brim of the hat. Hat is comprised of black woven straw. Interior of the hat too has a black ribbon around the circumference of the crown.