Kansas Box 1

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1 RSC-Kansas-6 Photograph Color photo of the Lower Fox Creek (District #14) limestone school, located on the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve near Strong City, Kansas. The photo, taken by Jayme Owens, shows the school sitting among golden colored tall grasses with a tall bare tree to the right. The sky can be seen through its three side windows. The photo earned second place at the 2006 Iowa State Fair. This school, built in 1882, is preserved as a national historic landmark by the National Park Service. It was open as school from 1884-1930, when it was then used either as a bunkhouse or to store hay. While it was open, attendance ranged from 3 to 19 students and served eight grade levels. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974 and bought by the National Park Service in 1996 as part of the prairie reserve.  RSC-Kansas-6 (Photograph) image