Papua New Guinea Bag Box 1

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Catalog # Name Description
1 2005.8.1 Bag Open-weave with woven handle. Design is a zig-zag geometric pattern in different bands of color, red, purple, green, tan and navy blue. Colors are vibrant. Dyes used came from betel juice and seet potatoes. Color: RD,PR,TN,GR
2 2005.8.2 Bag Open-weave with woven handle. Design is geometric bands of color that zig-zag around the bag. Background colors are green and yellow. Handle has two stripes in green and tan. Dyes for the color are made from betel juice and sweet potatoes. Color: GR, RD, TN,BL,Y
3 2005.8.3 Bag Open-weave with tightly woven handle. Design is in zig-zag pattern with different bands of colors, going light purple, tan, green and only one stripe that is red. Colors are muted except for the purple bands located at the bottom of the bag. Dyes for the color are made from betel juice and sweet potatoes. Color: PR,GR,TN
4 2005.8.4 Bag Rectangular with tight closed weave. Design of geometric bands of color encircle bag. Colrs vary, shades of dark brown to tan. Handle is a slender string made from fibers twisted together. Dyes were made from betel juice and sweet potatoes. Color: BR,TN
5 2005.8.5 Bag Open weave with a woven handle. Design has horizontal stripes of varying size and colors. Two wider bands have a checkered design in tan and white dye for the colors were made from betel juice and sweet potatoes. Color: RD,TN,BL
6 2005.8.6 Bag Small open weave, with tightly woven handle. Design is different colored stripes that form a cross design on the front. Colors are muted in tone except for the vross design which is a dark navy blue. Color: BL,TN,CR,YL,GR
7 2005.8.7 Bag Large, oblong, with open weave. Fibers used are thick and heavy. Design is bands of color (brown, tan and cream that hform geometric shapes. Handle made of a strip of a bplat's leaf or stem. Dyes used were made from betel juice and sweet potatoes. Color: BL,TN,CR,YL,GR