Pillowcase Box 2

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Catalog # Name Description
1 1970.8.11 Pillowcase Three-button closure. Color: WH 1970.8.11 (Pillowcase) image
2 1970.8.12 Pillowcase Three-button closure. Color: WH 1970.8.12 (Pillowcase) image
3 1970.8.13 Pillowcase Plain. Color: WH 1970.8.13 (Pillowcase) image
4 1974.59.1 Sheet Handmade. 4" filet crocheting insertion. Color: White 1974.59.1 (Sheet) image
5 1974.59.2 Sheet Handmade. 4" insertion of filet crocheting. Color: White 1974.59.2 (Sheet) image
6 1978.60.1 Pillowcase Knitted lace border. Color: WH 1978.60.1 (Pillowcase) image
7 1978.60.2 Pillowcase Knitted lace border. Color: WH 1978.60.2 (Pillowcase) image