Rod Library - First Floor

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Catalog # Name Description
1 1976.63.1 Drawing Orphan. Drawing shows a child transformed to a professor. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.1 (Drawing) image
2 1976.63.2 Drawing President Gilchrist. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.2 (Drawing) image
3 1976.63.3 Drawing President Seerley. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.3 (Drawing) image
4 1976.63.4 Drawing President Latham. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.4 (Drawing) image
5 1976.63.5 Drawing President Price. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.5 (Drawing) image
6 1976.63.6 Drawing President Maucker. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.6 (Drawing) image
7 1976.63.7 Drawing President Kamerick. Artist: Herb Hake 1976.63.7 (Drawing) image