Saddlebag Box 1

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2009.2.39 Bag, camel Very decorative large storage bag for camel travel. Designs sewn or painted on. Back of bag is a dark yellow with painted blue-green line designs. The front of the bag is half red, half orange. There is a lot of fringe in different lengths and colors. Stitch designs are mostly triangles and diamond shapes. Color: YL,RD,TN,GR,BL
2 2010.17.133 Saddlebag Large saddle bag for use on camels, made from weaving dyed wool, vertical stripes of RD, OR, BK, BR, and WH, thick black stripes contain WH and RD triangular patterns, OR and BR and BK and WH striped edging around RD and WH cloth at top edge, cloth has openings on either end to slide a wooden rod through to attach to the camel's trappings for easy transport, multicolored edging around sides and middle Color: RD OR BK BR WH 2010.17.133 (Saddlebag) image