Scrapbook Box 4

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Catalog # Name Description
1 2010.9.4 Scrapbook Personal scrapbook. Cover tan with yellow drawings of a girl reading a book, playing tennis, and a boy and girl dancing to a phonograph with record. Drawings in red of girl putting on makeup, girl sitting in chair while talking on phone, boy cheerleader, and boy & girl sitting on park bench. Drawings in black - girl studying, boy on stool drinking soda, girl leaning on stool, records, malt, musical notes, and football. Turquoise, red, yellow and black spots. Cover tied together with black cord. 31 pages with pictures, photos, invitations, announcements, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, etc. Clear mending tape on front cover. 28 b/w photos of girls at ISTC. Some official documents from ISTC included. Inside first page has illustration of campanile with Iowa State Teachers College above it, and Cedar Falls, Iowa below it, with scalloped corners made from rose colored construction paper Color: TN, RD, YL, BK