ED2021-13 (Bagh Chal)

ED2021-13 (Bagh Chal) image

Bagh Chal is a strategy game that originated in Nepal. The game consists of a board incised with a grid (A), 4 tiger figures, 20 goat figures, and a bag to hold the pieces (B).  It is a two player with one playing the tigers, while the other plays the goats. For the tigers, the objective of the game is to eliminate four goats from the board. For the goats, the object is to trap the tigers so they cannot move. The rules of the game are as following: 

- The person playing the tigers starts by placing one tiger in each of the board's four corners. 

- The person playing the goats then places one goat on any of the board's coordinates. (A coordinate is a spot where two or more lines intersect).

- A tiger may now move once space towards the goat in an effort to jump it. If the tiger can jump the goat in a straight line to a free space (in a move similar to chekcers), the goat is thereyby eliminated and removed from the board. 

- In each turn a goat is placed on the board until all the goats are in play (unless being jumped has already eliminated them). A goat cannot move around the baord until all the goats are in play. 

- A tiger can only move one space in each turn. A jump does nto entitle a tiger to another turn. A tiger can jump more than one goat in a single move, however, if it has the opportunity to do so. 

- Once all the goats are placed on the board, they are free to move. A goat can only move one space in a single turn. 

- If the tigers eliminate four goats, the tigers win. 

- If the goats are able to trap the tigers and prevent them from moving, while losing no more than three goats, the goats win the game.