RSC-Ohio-141 (Record)

Wyoming Public Schools, Hamilton County, Ohio, Permanent High School Record. This record was for Betty James, class of 1924. This record has places to fill out the following information: Parent or Guardian, Address, Date of Birth, Date Entered, Date of Withdrawal, Date Graduated. Other schools Attended, General Estimate of—Ability, Character, Application, Deportment, Outside Activities, Health and Attendance. College Record categories are College Entered, When. Graduated, Degree, Standing, Activities. Explanation of Ratings is Group 1—Very high standing, Group 2—High standing, Group 3—Average, Group 4—Poor, Group 5—Very poor, Group 6—Failure. Groups 1 and 2 are honor groups and exempt from final examinations. Includes section for Other data at bottom of sheet. On opposite side are vertical sections for Year (A,B,C,D), Subjects with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Exam. repeated twice until Cr., Description of courses. Horizontal: Days absent and total credits. 

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Hamtilon County
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