1980.42.4 (Binder, ring)

Cardboard, with imitation leather grain; steel rings. Brown with gold ISTC emblem impressed on front cover. Inside covers are beige patterns on whitish yellow background. Patterns are square mosaics with floral designs and company emblem in center. Round company emblem "Record Keeping Essentials" in outer circle, "WJ" at center. Emblem on front has a shield with "Lux" diagonally across it and an Aladdin type lamp rests on top of shield. Laurel bead wreath encompasses shield, all of which is surrounded by a circle of dots. "Iowa State Teachers College" encircles the circle of dots, centered from the top of the emblem; a star flanked by two small diamonds is at the bottom of this outer circle, all of which is surrounded by a rope circle and finally a floral-like border. Color: BR,GD

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