2023-15-37 (Do Not Disturb Sign)

2023-15-37 (Do Not Disturb Sign) image

White UNI Do Not Disturb sign. Material is a thin flexible plastic. The cutout at the top of the sign is shaped like a Christmas ornament (big circle with a small partial oval at the top of it). Below the cutout is a purple box saying "please do not disturb" in white text. "PANTHER" in yellow text at the bottom of the purple box, left aligned. Below the purple box is a yellow box with a purple and white panther and the words "INSIDE" in white text, right aligned. The panther is positioned behind the word "inside" and is walking to the right. There is a small white strip below the yellow box. Below the white strip is a purple box. Inside is the white text "University of Northern Iowa" on the first line, right aligned. Below that is "Alumni Association," also in white text and right aligned. All text and colored boxes are slightly raised and have texture. The back of the sign is plain white. Front and back have tiny scuffs that show in the light.

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