
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Catalog # Name Description
1 2004.25.14 Flute, pan Small pan flute with six hollow wood pipes in varying lengths from shortest to tallest. One end is hollow, while the other is plugged. Reed pieces held together by thin reed in strips, string, and glue. Sikuri is an Aymaran performance of unique rhythms that uses a large group of different sizes of pan flutes, these rhythms have shaped modern music in Peru. The melodies can have dances and the moves are part of the cultural heritage.
2 2004.25.15 Flute, Pan Small pan flute made of five hollow reeds in graduated sizes, bound together by reed strips, string, and glue. One end of reeds is not open. Sikuri is an Aymaran performance of unique rhythms that uses a large group of different sizes of pan flutes, these rhythms have shaped modern music in Peru. The melodies can have dances and the moves are part of the cultural heritage.
3 2004.25.19 Model, canoe Small scale. Canoe-shaped. Made of reeds bound together by twine made of smaller reeds. Two reeds placed on opposite sides of each other toward middle of the boat form the mast. Sail is attached to them at the top. Sail made by vertical reeds held together by string that runs through either side of the mast.
4 2004.25.3 Potato, freeze-dried Ten small, freeze dried poratoes, all around the same size. Skin shriveled and cracked. The Ayamaran call these "Chuño". They take five days to make using a specific front-resistant potato species. The potatoes would be left out overnight in the Andes Mountains and because the temperatures are so intense it helps dry them out. During the day they are left in intense sunlight and trampled by foot to eliminate whatever water is left. The skin is removed and finally the potatoes are frozen for two more nights. The name "Chuño" translates to "frozen potato" or "wrinkled". These potatoes can last years because of the drying process and can be used in many different dishes from desserts to made in flour.