
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Catalog # Name Description
1 1978.15.60 Currency Copper hoe money, Copper metal strip, black color, swirled stains and blemishes. Wider at one end. Color: BK
2 1989.43.42 Pot Brown pot, designs over white. The mouth has a 1" diameter. Color: BR,WH
3 1998.20.9 Carving Four clay heads are glued on to a stained wood baseboard. The top clay head is the largest, almost rectangular in shape and is 1 1/2" long x 1 3/4" wide. The middle-right clay head is oval shaped and measures 1" long x 3/4" wide. The middle left clay head is oval shaped and measures 1 1/4" long x 1" wide. The hollow clay head is roughly triangular shaped and measures 1 3/8" long x 1 1/8" wide. Color: BR,GY