Han/East Asia

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Catalog # Name Description
1 1994.27.50 Medicine Moxibustion, rolled stick. paper wrapped and inserted in paper sleeve with printed green writing & red symbol. Color: WH
2 1994.27.51 Medicine Moxibustion, rolled stick. paper wrapped & instered in paper sleeve with printed writing & red symbol. Color: WH 1994.27.51 (Medicine) image
3 1994.27.53 Token "Hell bank note". Several packets wrapped in plastic and secured with plastic ribbon. Multi-colored with portrait of a man in the center and a scene of figures on each side. Reverse is green with scene of temple. Denomination is 100000000.
4 1994.27.54 Candle Double bamboo casing, 10 3/4' each piece with a red candle on a stick. Candles are wedged in place with crosswise strips at top and bottom, and outer tubes tied with pink plastic ribbon. Color: TN,RD
5 1994.27.55 Incense Sticks, in plasti case with design of flowers and characters imprinted. Color: PR-PK
6 1994.27.9 Shoe Black rubber soles extending 1 " up the sie and semi-circle on toe; olive green canvas uppers & laces; 4 lacing holes on each side. a. Left. b. Right. Color: BK,GR