Harari/North Africa

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 1990.21.0069 Container Colorful basket. Four leather thongs are attached to the outer rim, 3 cowrie shells decorate where leather is sewed to the edge. Rim is edged in red plastic strip. Geometric patterns ring around the basket, separated by strips of solid colors. Outside of basket more ornate than the inside. Color: RD,TN,PR,BL,YL 1990.21.0069 (Container) image
2 1990.21.145 Basket Minature replica of an Ethiopian "messob". Hour-glass shape. Rim of lid tapers up to top. A tassel is attached to the center of the top. A coin is placed inside the top for good luck; creates a rattle when moved. a. Table b. Lid. 1990.21.145 (Basket) image