Meskwaki/Great Plains

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15
Catalog # Name Description
1 00.30.77 Charcoal From mound two miles northwest of Waterloo. 00.30.77 (Charcoal) image
2 1986.0017 Celt In modern hafting as an ax. Color: GR
3 1986.6 Spoon Ceremonial spoon with horse head effigy handle. Hand carved by Eugene Kapayou (Mesquakie) in 1986 and purchased by donor for $35.00 at the annual Pow Wow at the settlement in Tama, Iowa on behalf of the Friends of the UNI Museum. 1986.6 (Spoon) image
4 1987.25.1 Headdress Roach, hairbased. a. Roach. Porcupine hair and deer hair. b. Walnut storage stick for headdress. c. Cloth wrappings for headdress. Color: BR, YL 1987.25.1 (Headdress) image
5 1987.25.10 Tube Sucking tube, used by healers. 1987.25.10 (Tube) image
6 1987.25.11 Bundle, medicine Four parts. a. Bag, wool. b. Rattle. c.Vertebra, bear. d, Beadwork item, side stitch. 1987.25.11 (Bundle, medicine) image
7 1987.25.2 Bag Nettle fiber storage bag. faded but visiable colors and twist pattern.
8 1987.25.3 Bag Storage bag made of basswood fibers,
9 1987.25.4 Bag Most recent style in sequence of the styles of storage bags, used by the Mesquakies.
10 1987.25.5 Necklace Trade bead; clam shell disc. 1987.25.5 (Necklace) image
11 1987.25.6 Bowl Burl. Color: BR 1987.25.6 (Bowl) image
12 1987.25.7 Bowl, Burl Made from a burl (a part of tree that formed irregularly and makes abstract designs). 1987.25.7 (Bowl, Burl) image
13 1987.25.8 Fork Carved handle with Fox clan symbol engraved on handle. Color: BR 1987.25.8 (Fork) image
14 1987.25.9 Tube Sucking tube, used by healers. 1987.25.9 (Tube) image
15 2007.6.2 Necklace Necklace. Seed beads. White background, red diamonds surrounded in green flanking larger oblong diamond of red with green outline. Small yellow diamonds with red center separate each larger diamond grouping. Possible heart shaped near bottom of necklace. White fringe with larger red beads at top of fringe. Damage to necklace band, thread exposed and worn. Broken in places. Beads missing and loose. Color: WH, RD, GR, YL 2007.6.2 (Necklace) image