
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 1968.9.7.5 Painting Square tile . Oiled painted scene of straw-hatted native in white suit poling a boat along a river. Vegetation along shore; mountain in background. Marked "Xochimilco". Color: GR,BL,WH
2 1983.6.7 Mask This is a Mexican "Scorpion" mask. This mask portrays a human face with normal features. There is a set of blue eyes with eye slits below the eyebrow for the mask wearer to see. The nose juts out and has been carved well as the nostrils are see through. The skin of the mask is painted light pink and the cheeks of the mask have been painted red. The lips form a circle and have been painted red. There are 9 jutting roots from the sides and chin of the mask, forming curling red and black horns. Some of the paint on the horns is flaking off. 1983.6.7 (Mask) image