
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 1978.34.2.1 Figurine Anthropomorphic. Used as a votive offering, Muisca archaeological area, Prehispanic gold work of Colombia. Anthropomorphic replica and box it came in have the same number. The figurine has human features and is made of gold. It is embedded in a plastic with a black background. The back of the artifact has paper with information from the museum printed on it in Spanish, English, and German. It is from the Gold Museum in Bogota, Colombia.
2 1978.34.2.2 Figurine Water divinity representation, Muisca archaelogical area. Prehispanic gold work of Colombia replica. Bought from Gold Museum gift shop. Gold dragon with metalwork details is set in a cast of plastic with a black velvet backing. On the back there is information on the site from which the original was collected from. All information is provided by the Gold museum in Colombia. Scale reproduction of piece No. 6750 from the Gold Museum, Bank of the Republic, Bogota