Tourist Trade/Sierra Leone

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 1968.10.0066 Mask, Ritual Antelope-human figure with reddish brown face with black highlights. There are two horn-like figures coming out either side of the chin, with dyed black stripes. The cheeks have a single horizontal etch. At the hairline, there is a band with a black circular adornment laying in the center of the forehead. The top of the head has very detailed, braid-like etchings. In the center of the top of the head is a triangular arch with a teardrop shaped detail at the top, with two black striped horns on either side. It is made out of a very heavy red wood. 1968.10.0066 (Mask, Ritual) image
2 1968.10.55 Mask Black mask, broad face. There are two horizontal etchings on either cheek. At the natural hairline is a carving of a headpiece with a checkered design. There are carved out eye holes, with the illusion that the eyes are half closed. 1968.10.55 (Mask) image