Traditional/West Africa

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2009.2.70 Hanging Rectangular weaved hanging with several dyed/painted pictures. Pictures include 5 birds - three in top row- two in second. Center first row bird different than others. Center in Second row is similar to a chicken. First row has a fish and a ball between birds. Second row has a ball between bird and chicken. Visiable painting on 1 side. Done with stencil, painting done with fermented solution which turns black. Color: WH/BK
2 2009.2.71 Hanging A large rectangular woven pieces of strip cloth sewn together with several painted symbols. Fourteen human-like symbols, some with head and some without, all holding something. Other symbols include cheetahs, snakes, fish, turtles, and other animals. Human symbols around outer edges of fabric, animals toward inside. Done with stencil, painting done with fermented solution - turns black. Color: BK/WH