
Displaying 1 - 50 of 103
Catalog # Name Description
1 1989.22.1 Engraving Studer Pl. IV, print of Carolina rail (male, female), Virginia rail (male, female), and Marsh wren. Color: ML
2 1989.22.10 Engraving Studer Pl. XXXIII, print of American bittern, and Redwinged blackbird (male, female). Colored. Color: ML
3 1989.22.11 Engraving Studer Pl. XXXIV, print of Redhead duck (male, female, young male), and Bobolink or rice bird (male, female). Color: ML
4 1989.22.12 Engraving Studer Pl. XXXVI, print of Blue-yellow backed warbler, Black and yellow warbler, Blackburnian warbler (male, female), Hermit thrush, White-throated sparrow, White-crowned sparrow, and Winter wren. Color: ML
5 1989.22.13 Engraving Studer Pl. XXXVII, print of Blue-grey gnatcatcher, Black-throated green warbler, Blue warbler, Mourning warbler, Bay-breasted warbler, Prairie warbler, and Ovenbird (male, female). Color: ML
6 1989.22.14 Engraving Studer Pl. XXXVIII, print of Chestnut-sided warbler (male, female), Blackpoll warbler, Yellow-rumped warbler, Snowbird or Junco, American red crossbill (male, female), and Pine grosbeak. Color: ML
7 1989.22.15 Engraving Studer Pl. XXXIX, print of Sparrow hawk (male, female), and Bluejay. Color: ML
8 1989.22.16 Engraving Studer Pl. XL, print of Least bittern, Ruddy plover, Piping ringed plover, and Ring neck plover. Color: ML
9 1989.22.17 Engraving Studer Pl. XLI., print of Red-breasted sandpiper, Black-bellied sandpiper, Golden plover, and Black-bellied plover. Colored. Color: ML
10 1989.22.18 Engraving Studer Pl. XLII, print of Florida gallinule. Colored. Color: ML
11 1989.22.19 Engraving Studer Pl. XLV, print of Turnstone, Eskimo curlew ordough bird, and Hudsonian curlew. Colored. Color: ML
12 1989.22.2 Engraving Studer Pl. V, print of Great horned owl, Rose-breasted grosbeak (male, female), American redstart, Black-throated blue warbler, Black and white creeper, and yellow-throated warbler. Color: ML
13 1989.22.20 Engraving Studer Pl. XLVI, print of Long-billed curlew, Willet or stone snipe, and White-rumped sandpiper. Color: ML
14 1989.22.21 Engraving Studer Pl. XLVII, print of Green-black capped flycatcher, Pine warbler, Blue-golden winged warbler, Worm-eating warbler, Golden-crowned kinglet, Ruby-crowned kinglet, Canadian flycatcher, Blue-winged yellow warbler, Cape May warbler, Tennessee warbler, Golden warbler, Yellow redpoll warbler. Colored. Color: ML
15 1989.22.22 Engraving Studer Pl. XLVIII, print of Sharp-tailed finch, Canadian sparrow, Yellow-winged sparrow, Lark finch, Swamp sparrow, Chipping sparrow, American goldfinch, Redpoll linnet, and Purple finch. Color: ML
16 1989.22.23 Engraving Studer Pl. XLIX, print of Savannah sparrow, Pine finch, Field sparrow, Seaside finch, Yellow-throated vireo, Blue-headed vireo, White-eyed vireo, Red-eyed vireo, Warbling vireo, and Least flycatcher. Color: ML
17 1989.22.24 Engraving Studer Pl. L, print of Olive-sided flycatcher, Red-bellied nuthatch, Wood pewee, Trail's flycatcher, Phoebe, and Mourning dove. Color: ML
18 1989.22.25 Engraving Studer Pl. LII, print of Spoonbill duck, Mallard duck, Pectoral sandpiper, Greatcraw blackbird, Crow blackbird, Rusty grackle, Cow blackbord, Great Carolina wren, and Northern house wren. Colored. Color: ML
19 1989.22.26 Engraving Studer Pl. LIII, print of Black-banded three-toed woodpecker, Banded three-toed woodpecker, Hudson Bay chickadee, White-winged crossbill, Brown creeper, American magpie, and Lapland lark bunting. Colored. Color: ML
20 1989.22.27 Engraving Studer Pl. LIV., print of Trumpeter swan, Herring gull, Bonaparte's gull, and Least tern. Colored. Color: ML
21 1989.22.28 Engraving Studer Pl. LVI., print of Cedar waxwing, Black-throated bunting, American pipit, Shore lark, Connecticut warbler, Fox-colored sparrow, House wren, and Towhee bunting. Colored. Color: ML
22 1989.22.29 Engraving Studer Pl. LVII, print of Little white egret, Snowy heron, and Spotted sandpiper. Colored. Color: ML
23 1989.22.3 Engraving Studer Pl. XI, print of Yellow-shanked snipe, Sandpiper, and Great tern. Color: ML
24 1989.22.30 Engraving Studer Pl. LXVII, print of Raven, Common crow, Canada Jay, Robin red breast, and House or European sparrow. Colored. Color: ML
25 1989.22.31 Engraving Studer Pl. LXXII, print of American barn swallow, Chick Wills widow, Carolina goatsucker, Whip-poor-will, Night hawk, Carolina titmouse, Ruby-throated hummingbird, Brown thrush, and Yellow-breasted chat. Colored. Color: ML
26 1989.22.32 Engraving Studer Pl. LXXX, print of Great blue heron, White ibis, and Scarlet ibis. Colored. Color: ML
27 1989.22.33 Engraving Studer Pl. XCI, print of Glossy ibis, Prothonotary warbler, Little black rail, and Little yellow-breasted rail. Colored. Color: ML
28 1989.22.34 Engraving Studer Pl. CIII, print of red-rented thrush, Bendires thrush, Mockingbird, Palmer's thrush, Califonia thrush, Cape St. Lucas thrush, Western mooring wren, Allied creeper wren, Pygmy nuthatch, Slender billed nuthatch, Black-whiskered vireo, Western or long tailed chat, Western titmouse, Texas titmouse, Black-capped vireo, Hutton's vireo, White-bellied wren, Alaska wren, and Western wood wren. Colored. Color: Ml
29 1989.22.35 Engraving Studer Pl. CIV, print of Song sparrow, Laconte's sparrow, Kodiak song sparrow, Mexican purple finch, Dusky redpoll finch, Brewster's linnet, Ochrous headed bunting, Seashore or beaked sparrow, Western yellow-wing bunting, Eastern snowbird, Gray snowbird, Bay wing bunting, Vesper sparrow, St. Lucas sparrow, Northwestern Savannah sparrow, Siberian finch, Western wood pewee, Cone's flycatcher, Yellowbellied flycatcher, Small green-crested flycatcher, Little western flycatcher, Cape cardinal, Texas cardinal, Western nonpareil, Brewer's sparrow, Western slate colored sparrow, Ridgway's sparrow, Shattuck bunting, Crimson blackbord, Western meadowlark, Canon towhee, and Cape towhee. Colored. Color: ML
30 1989.22.36 Engraving Studer Pl. CV, print of Rio Grande or green jay, Sierra or blue fronted jay, Long crested jay, Sieber's jay, Linne hummingbird, Heloisa's hummingbird, Xantus hummingbird, Refulgent hummingbird, Black swift, Pacific orangecrowned warble, Nevada finch, Pine finch, Arizona sparrow or finch, Western whitecrowned sparrow, Texas nighthawk, Western nighthawk, Yellow-throated gray warbler, Oregon chimney swift, Pacific coast flycatcher, Mexican flycatcher, Couch's flycatcher, Cassin's flycatcher, Lawrence flycatcher, Rufous winged sparrow, Townsends bunting, St. Lucas woodpecker, Yellow-bellied woodpecker, Nuttall's woodpecker, Gila woodpecker, Black-breasted woodpecker, and Arizona ultra marine jay. Colored. Color: ML
31 1989.22.37 Engraving Studer Pl. CVI, print of Crested grebe, Horned grebe, St. Domingo grebe, Pied-billed grebe, American eared grebe, Red-necked grebe, Western grebe, Clark's western grebe, Yellow-billed loon, Fork-tailed petrel, Hornby's petrel, Ashby petrel, Black petrel, Wedge-tailed petrel, Ruff, and Leach's petrel. Colored. Color: ML
32 1989.22.38 Engraving Studer Pl. CVII, print of Pacific fulmar, Rodger's fulmar, Slender-billed fulmar, Cinereous puffin, Dusky puffin, Wandering puffin, Pintato petrel, Wilson's petrel, Flesh-footed puffin, Blacktailed puffin, Sooty puffin, Manks puffin, Blackvented puffin, Dark Bodied puffin, Slender-billed puffin, Black-capped petrel, and Least hawk. Colored. Color: ML
33 1989.22.39 Engraving Studer Pl. CVIII, print of Goose, Spectacled eider duck, King eider duck, Thick-billed guillemot, Sooty guillemot, Pigeon guillemot, Killitz guillemot, Temminck's guillmot, Black-throated guillemot, Whiskered auk, Crested auk, Parot auk, Hornbilled auk, Large-billed puffin, and Little auk. Colored. Color: ML
34 1989.22.4 Engraving Studer Pl. XII, print of Baltimore oriole (male, female), Orchard oriole, Indigo bunting, and Hooded flycatcher. Color: ML
35 1989.22.40 Engraving Studer Pl. CIX, print of Red-billed pigeon or dove, White-winged dove, Band tailed pigeon, Whitetailed grouse, Rock grouse, Florida quail, Arizona quail, Scaled partridge, Carolina parrakeet, Gilded woodpecker, Audubon's oriole, Great-tailed grackle, Clark's crow, Common crow, Fish crow, Florida crow, Sprague's pipit, and Southwestern lark. Color: ML
36 1989.22.41 Engraving Studer Pl. CX, print of Femoral falcon, Richardson's falcon, Isabella sparrow hawk, Mississippi kite, Everglade kite, White-tailed kite, Kirtland's owl, Western mottled owl, Northern mottled owl, Harland's buzzard, Chicken hawk, Gruber's buzzard, Band-tailed hawk, California squirrel hawk, and Gray hawk. Colored. Color: ML
37 1989.22.42 Engraving Studer Pl. CXII, print of Dusky seaside finch, White-winged black tern, Pike's tern, Califonia black rail, Little blue heron, Slender-billed plover, Bristle-bellied curlew, Green ibis, White-faced ibis, Missouri piping plover, Bridled tern, Florida heron, Reddish egret, European woodcock, Western Semipalmated sandpiper, and Thick-billed sandpiper. Colored. Color: ML
38 1989.22.43 Engraving Studer Pl. CXIV, print of Black-headed finch, Black goldfinch, Arizona goldfinch, Cassin's bullfinch, Cooper's tanager. Scott's oriole, Berlandier's wren, Kennicott's Sylvia warbler, Golden warbler, Kirtland's warbler, Lucy's warbler, Grace's warbler, Sage thrush, Hermit thrush, Swanson's thrush, Senaida dove, Grouse, Texan guan, Southern sharp-tailed grouse, Spruce grouse, Key West dove, Long-tailed ground dove, Blue-headed pigeon, and Ground dove. Colored. Color: ML
39 1989.22.44 Print Studer? Pl. 4; print of Kingfisher, Starling, Jackdaws, Honey eater, and Bird of Paradise. Color: BK,WH
40 1989.22.45 Print Studer Pl. 4; print of Kingfisher, Starling, Jackdaws, Honey eater, and Bird of Paradise. Color: BK,WH
41 1989.22.46 Print Studer Pl. 5; print of a Raven and Jay. Color: ML
42 1989.22.47 Print Studer Pl. 13; print of a Turkey buzzrd, Hawk owl, and Great horned owl. Color: BK,WH
43 1989.22.48 Print Studer Pl. 14; print of a Barn owl, Swift, and Night hawk. Color: BK,WH
44 1989.22.49 Print Plate 19, unidentified birds. Color: ML
45 1989.22.5 Engraving Studer Pl. XIV, print of Great northern diver look and Tatler or Godwit, curlew. Color: ML
46 1989.22.50 Print Studer? Plate 20, print of Ivory-billed woodpecker, Red-head woodpecker, Woodpecker, Flicker, and Nuthatch. Color: ML
47 1989.22.51 Print Studer? Plate 24, unidentified birds. Color: ML
48 1989.22.52 Print Studer? Plate 25, print of Pheasant, Ptarmigan, Grouse, and Quail. Color: ML
49 1989.22.53 Print Studer? Plate 26, print of Chicken, Pheasant, peacock, and Guinea fowl. Color: BK,WH
50 1989.22.54 Print Studer? Plate 27, print of unidentified birds. Color: BK,WH