
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Catalog # Name Description
1 Pattern Needlepoint "Lord's Prayer". Cross stitching, most likely beginner's work. Followed pattern that is inked on.
2 1976.87.2 Hanger Collapsible coat hanger. Color: GY 1976.87.2 (Hanger) image
3 2021-13-3 Loom Weave-It loom, in original box. A loom similar to this was used to create objects 2021-13-1A, 2021-13-1B, 2021-13-2A, and 2021-13-2B. 2021-13-3 (Loom) image
4 2021-21-1A Loom Junior Weave-IT wooden square loom. There are 45 metal non sharp pins located in groups of three around the open portion in the middle of the loom. Some colored marking is on the corners. There is a large needle included in the box. 
5 2021-21-1B Box Junior Weave-It loom box. The box is an off-white color with blue scallop pattern around the bottom of the box. ""JUNIOR WEAVE-IT U.S. PAT OFF. PAT. PEND. A fascinating and useful pastime. Full Directions Enclosed." There is more text on the top of the box but it has been scratched up. Made by Donar Products Corp., Medford, Mass. 
6 2021-21-1C Needle Junior Weave-It loom large metal needle. Included in the Junior Weave-It loom box. 
7 2021-21-1D Instructions Directions for using the 'Weave-It'. Includes five paragraphs of written instruction for using device. Four illustrations of weaving on the loom are located on the left part of the page. There is a pin stuck in the page. DONAR PRODUCTS CORPORATION, 200 BOSTON AVENUE, MEDFORD, MASS is bold on the bottom of the instruction sheet. 
8 UNIM1989.12.6A Zigzagger Attaches to sewing machine. Model 160985 for Singer Sewing Machines of classes 15, 201, 221 and 1200 (straight needle). Produces a variety of ornamental stitches, blind stitched hems, simple mending. a. Zigzagger. UNIM1989.12.6A (Zigzagger) image
9 UNIM1989.12.6B Zigzagger Attaches to sewing machine. Model 160985 for Singer Sewing Machines of classes 15, 201, 221 and 1200 (straight needle). Produces a variety of ornamental stitches, blind stitched hems, simple mending.  B. Buttons for stitch pattern control. UNIM1989.12.6B (Zigzagger) image
10 UNIM1989.12.6C Box Attaches to sewing machine. Model 160985 for Singer Sewing Machines of classes 15, 201, 221 and 1200 (straight needle). Produces a variety of ornamental stitches, blind stitched hems, simple mending. C. Box UNIM1989.12.6C (Box) image
11 UNIM1989.12.6D Booklet Attaches to sewing machine. Model 160985 for Singer Sewing Machines of classes 15, 201, 221 and 1200 (straight needle). Produces a variety of ornamental stitches, blind stitched hems, simple mending. D. Instruction Book UNIM1989.12.6D (Booklet) image
12 UNIM1989.12.6E Booklet Attaches to sewing machine. Model 160985 for Singer Sewing Machines of classes 15, 201, 221 and 1200 (straight needle). Produces a variety of ornamental stitches, blind stitched hems, simple mending. E. Stich patterns. UNIM1989.12.6E (Booklet) image