
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Catalog # Name Description
1 2020-20-16 Plaque Plaque issued to Patricia Hiby for over 19 years of service to the Univeristy of Northern Iowa.  2020-20-16 (Plaque) image
2 2021-10-1 Plaque Jacque Dubois wreslting plaque engraved with: "Thanking for for your support, time, effort, and contributions. UNI Wreslting is truly grateful." Jacques Dubois (1941-2021) taught French at UNI for 37 years and retired as a professor emeritus, and recieved the Palmes Academic, an award granted by the French government in recognition of his valuable services to universities and academics, in 1993. He also loved sports, specifically soccer and wrestling, and held season tickets for UNI wrestling matches. This plaque includes the UNI panthers logo cut out and wreslting on bottom. Plaque is purple sitting on wooden board. 
3 2022-25-16 Plaque Wooden plaque - Iowa Academy of Science.  The Iowa Academy of Science is a scientific association in Iowa founded in 1875.  The University of Northern Iowa became a member of this association in 1967.  On the plaque it states, "Cooperating in furthering scientific research, education in the sciences, and recognition of excellence in both endeavors."  Also on the plaque is a gold medallion with the Iowa Academy of Science logo.   2022-25-16 (Plaque ) image
4 2022-25-9 Wooden Plaque Wooden Plaque - John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.  The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is located in Washington, D.C.  The center holds over 2,000 performing arts shows and events each year.  The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival is a national theater program inviting students from all across the nation.  In January and February, eight regional festivals take place and showcase regional productions.  In January 2003 (21st-26th), the University of Northern took part in one of these festivals and received a contribution plaque.  The plaque features two embossed medallions - one is the side profile of John F. Kennedy and the other is of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.   2022-25-9 (Wooden Plaque) image