
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2021-19-10 Mask This is a Guro mask from the Ivory Coast. This mask has features such as tin plating, antelope horns, two tassles that are attached at the eyebrow, and red cloth underneath the tin plating and other shapes. Iron nails are used to attach chin plating and cheek and head plating. The chin juts farther than the rim of the mask. The antlers have linear carvings on them. The tin plating has zig zag patterns on it.  2021-19-10 (Mask) image
2 2021-19-7 Mask This is a yaure mask from the Guro people of the Ivory Coast. This mask has an intricately carved face, long antelope horns, and a carved naked man holding onto the horns while standing on top of the mask. There is a zigzag pattern around the face of the mask made of the same wood. Along the face is a wheat pattern that continues in the eyebrows. There is a protruding vertical line on the forehead. The back of the mask features textured cloth along the rim. Three half circles with circular carvings are present on the forehead. Touching of object has led to some spots turning color of original wood. Next to antlers on outside of mask feature carved long ears.  2021-19-7 (Mask) image