
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 2019-7-8 Figure Carved wooden figure of Attié woman holding a basket with a belt of blue glass beads. Color: brown, white, and blue. 2019-7-8 (Figure) image
2 2021-19-14 Mask This mask is from the Baule people. It features a slim face with a wrap-around triangle pattern wood detail. Two thin eye slits rest on carved eyes. A long and thin nose leads to pursed lips. On the forehead of the piece, there are 6 wooden protrusions. On the top of the mask is a carved bird holding a fish in its mouth. The bird has carved feathers on its head and the fish, eyes, and neck of the bird have been darkened. There are two holes on each side of the mask rim and one large scuff mark at the bottom of the pieces backside.  2021-19-14 (Mask) image