
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Catalog # Name Description
1 RSC-AL-4 Book Allamakee County Teachers' Examination Records, 1907-1930. Hardback, red leather cover and spine, bound with fabric and thread, 480 pages. Volume 4.  On left side: Alphabetical list of students, addresses, age, exam number, date of exam, grades in various academic subjects. On right side: Grades in various academic subjects, date issues, and remarks.  241 marked pages.
2 RSC-AL-6 Book Allamakee County Record of Teachers' Certificates, 1929-1951. Hardback, black cover, red leather spine and corners, bound with thread and fabric. Volume 6. On left side: Alphabetical list of teachers name, age, address, grade teaching, expiration date of certificate, and registry date of certificate.  On right side: Grades in various academic subjects, institute attendance and memoranda.  Book number 10980.