CS 240 2

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Catalog # Name Description
1 Stone Chipped stone tool.
2 Stone Chipped stone tool.
3 Stone Chipped stone tool.
4 Stone Chipped stone tool. Artifacts of Paleolithic Man of Chellean Age. Found Near Chelles France Age about 500,000 years ago. Collected by 1st. Lt. Eugene Bovee. Donated August 23, 1945
5 Stone Chipped stone tool. Artifacts of Paleolithic Man of Chellean Age. Found Near Chelles France Age about 500,000 years ago. Collected by 1st. Lt. Eugene Bovee. Donated August 23, 1945
6 1989.43.0023 Flint Six pieces; for flintlock rifles. Three are fairly large and three are small.