CS lithics box 24

Displaying 51 - 56 of 56
Catalog # Name Description
51 2006.17.0145 point, projectile small, thin side notched point; distal end acute; cross section biconvex; edges convex; base convex; three side notched; munsell-10yr 6/2 light brownish gray; mississippian a.d. 900-1200 Color: gy
52 2006.17.0150 scraper small stone bifacial scraper Color: br
53 2006.17.0151 point, projectile large biface; broken; cross section plano convex Color: pk
54 2006.17.0153 point, projectile large side notched point; left hand beveling; distal end broad; cross section biconvex; edges convex; base slightly convex; munsell 5yr 8/1 white with darker gray mixed in; thebes cluster point early archaic 10000-8000ybp Color: gy
55 2006.17.0154 point, projectile large side notched point; left hand beveling; distal end broad; cross section biconvex; edgesa straight to very lightly convex; base straight with shaped ears (rocking chair); munsell-10 yr 7/2 light gray; thebes cluster point early archaic 10000-8000 ybp Color: gy
56 2006.17.0156 point, projectile medium sized auriculate point; distal end broad; cross section biconvex; edges convex; base concave; plainview point late paleo 11,250-9500 ybp Color: br