Rural School Archives Box 3

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Catalog # Name Description
1 2001.11.27 Manuscript "Little Orphan Joe." 5 typed pages. Was used as a program for Christmas. Handwritten directions and editing added in pencil. Blue string binds the pages together. Back is cardboard. On back of the cardboard are some directions written in ink. Color: BL,WH,BK 2001.11.27 (Manuscript) image
2 2020-FIC-110 Paper A list of book titles that students need to purchase, accompanied with the prices of the books. Double accessioned. This is also 2016-27-49a
3 2021-1-93B Paper This piece of paper entitled "An Indian Bonnet," was an activity used by rural school teachers to have their students make a Native American headdress out of felt, paper, and other materials. This second sheet contains the directions accompanied by images. 
4 2021-1-93C Paper This piece of paper entitled "An Indian Bonnet," was an activity used by rural school teachers to have their students make a Native American headdress out of felt, paper, and other materials. This third sheet contains the directions accompanied by images. 
5 2021-1-93D Paper This piece of paper entitled "An Indian Bonnet," was an activity used by rural school teachers to have their students make a Native American headdress out of felt, paper, and other materials. This fourth sheet contains the directions accompanied by images. 
6 2021-1-93E Paper This piece of paper entitled "The Bonnet Tail," was an activity used by rural school teachers to have their students make a Native American headdress out of felt, paper, and other materials. This fifth sheet contains the directions accompanied by images on how to specifically make the last part of the headdress. This was also the last page of the instructions.