
Displaying 401 - 450 of 469
Catalog # Name Description
401 1990.53.0091 Calcite None
402 1990.53.0105 Cerussite Crystal cluster, white brittle.
403 1990.53.0106 Cerussite Crystal cluster, white brittle.
404 1990.53.0107 Cerussite None
405 1990.53.0111 Calcite Two pieces, a. and b.
406 1990.53.0113 Calcite None
407 1990.53.0115 Calcite None
408 1990.53.0118 Calcite None
409 1990.53.0120 Colemanite Crystals to 1/4" on matrix.
410 1990.53.0121 Calcite None
411 1990.53.0122 Calcite None
412 1990.53.0123 Aragonite Aragonite crystal cluster coated w/ calcite, reddish brown, largest xtal 1 1/4" across
413 1990.53.0124 Calcite None
414 1990.53.0126 Calcite Eight specimens, a. - h.
415 1990.53.0142 Colemanite Crystals on matrix.
416 1990.53.0156 Colemanite None
417 1990.53.0157 Colemanite Covered with nice 3/8" crystals.
418 1990.53.0158 Aragonite Aragonite crystals, white, cluster. Variety flos-ferri or coralloidali.
419 1990.53.0159 Aragonite None
420 1990.53.0206 Calcite None
421 1990.53.0234 Smithsonite Blue/green botriodal smithsonite.
422 1990.53.0247 Aurichalcite Fibrous aurichalcite (might be malachite).
423 1990.53.0248 Siderite Part of a geode with a siderite crystal (brown) and zircon (blue). Color: BR
424 1990.53.0270 Rhodochrosite Pink rhodochrosite crystals on quartz crystal matrix, crystal sizes 1/4" Color: WH, PK Rhodochrosite image
425 1990.53.0271 Rhodochrosite Pale pink rhodochrosite crystals on quartz crystal matrix
426 1990.53.0276 Malachite Color: GR
427 1990.53.0281 Smithsonite Botryoidal aggregates on matrix. Color: BL
428 1990.53.0289 Calcite Geode half, quartz crystal lined, 1 large calcite crystal.
429 1990.53.0291 Calcite Milky calcite clusters on iron stained quartz Xtals.
430 1990.53.0293 Calcite, geode None
431 1990.53.0295 Calcite One specimen, piece of a geode, 1 large pinkish calcite xtal on quartz xtls.
432 1990.53.0302 Calcite, geode None
433 1990.53.0305 Calcite One specimen, whole geode lined with brown calcite, 1 large clear cluster of calcite xtals.
434 1990.53.0306 Calcite One specimen, geode half, quartz crystal lined with large calcite crystal and possible marcasite or pyrite.
435 1990.53.0309 Calcite Geode.
436 1990.53.0329 Azurite Massive.
437 1990.53.0341 Colemanite Covered with small crystals.
438 1990.53.0362 Dolomite White dolomite crystals covering specimen.
439 1990.53.0367 Calcite None
440 1990.53.0368 Calcite None
441 1990.53.0369 Calcite None
442 1990.53.0374 Malachite Small, pale stalactitic groups on matrix. Color: GR
443 1990.53.0376 Malachite Vug of spheres of acucular crystals. Color: GR
444 1990.53.0379 Aurichalcite Small acicolar crystals in vug in limonite;blue green. Color: GR, OR, TN Aurichalcite image
445 1990.53.0997 Colemanite Gray crystals.
446 1990.53.304 Calcite One specimen, large calcite crystal in quartz lined geode.
447 1994.11.0001 Calcite Small vug lined with scalenohedrons of calcite. 1 brown fluorite crystal embedded in calcite. Color: CL
448 1994.11.0002 Calcite Calcite scalenohedron with small brown fluorite cubes on top then minute pyrite crystals. Color: CL
449 1994.11.0003 Calcite Calcite scalenohedrons with pyrite crystals perched on tips. Color: CL
450 1994.33.0001 Rhodochrosite Cut slab, rectangular, one side polished.