
Displaying 1 - 50 of 305
Catalog # Name Description
1 00.30.100A Shaft Straightener A stone shaft straightener in a boomerang shape. The top face is mostly brown- and gray-specked unworked stone. The sharp edge has some chips taken out of it to reveal red stone inside it. Small red color flakes in one spot. This face is flat and smooth. The face of the scraper against the user's hand is smooth but uneven topographically. Parts of it are the unworked stone, parts are red and smooth. This side is knapped. The final face is smooth. It is reddish beige, has gray veins, and gray specks. 00.30.100A (Shaft Straightener) image
2 00.30.100B Flake Red and beige mottled thin stone flake. One edge on the top face is dark red on one half and the other half is brown and gray. The bottom face is flat and smooth too and has a red edge along one side. The stone is in an irregular shape that curves to a sharp point. The edges are thin and sharp and there are two main sharp points. 00.30.100B (Flake) image
3 00.30.100C Scraper Dark gray scraper that is concaved likely for ease of grip. The edge closest to the hand is smooth and the rock is patterned brown, black, and beige color on that edge only. The scraping edge is serrated and moderately sharp. The two faces are smooth with limited evidence of knapping. 00.30.100C (Scraper) image
4 00.30.100D Scraper A white and beige stone scraper in a triangular shape. The top face has large knap marks all over it and some parts are brown, beige, and white. Bottom face has knap marks at one side and the rest is smooth. Parts of this face have gray. Edges are thin, serrated, and sharp.  00.30.100D (Scraper) image
5 00.30.100E Core Brown core, irregular shape. One face and one side are the original unworked dark red/brown color with brown indentations of the original rock. The opposite and bottom faces were knapped to reveal light brown rock with gray veins and indentations. A couple small parts on the rock on the worked parts are white. Portions of each side are smooth but most are rugged from being knapped or from the rock's original topography. 00.30.100E (Core) image
6 00.30.100F Scraper Gray and beige thin, roughly triangular shaped stone. Appears to have been becoming a projectile point. Top face is beige at the bottom, gray and beige at the top half, and white unworked stone in one small spot at the top. Knap marks all over. Bottom face is smooth and is beige with gray and brown veins in it. Knap marks and gouges in the stone at the bottom and top edges. Edges are thin and sharp. 00.30.100F (Scraper) image
7 00.30.100G Projectile Point Black slate projectile point. Only a rough projectile point shape. Edges are serrated and thin. There is a semi-circle shaped ridge down the middle of the projectile point. The bottom face is smooth and has knap marks of brown. 00.30.100G (Projectile Point) image
8 00.30.100H Scraper Thin stone scraper in the shape of an oval but with one edge flat, not rounded. Top face is red-brown at the outer edge. Then it is beige, then gray and red in the middle. Knap marks all over this face. The back face is smooth but has ripples in it. The inner edge is red with gray veins, then it becomes brown, then beige at the outer edge. Red and orange marks are in the stone itself. Edges are thin but not sharp. 00.30.100H (Scraper) image
9 00.30.100I Core Brown stone core in a half-circle shape. The top edge is brown and gray unworked stone. The next ring in is red. The rest of the stone is brown and thick with evidence of knap marks. The right edge is flat and shows the different colors of rock. The left edge is serrated, thin, and sharp. Points are sharp. The bottom face is more smooth. Most of it is beige and gray specks. Red color in the stone at the left edge. Ring of color in the stone is gray, then red, then brown and beige on the outside. 00.30.100I (Core) image
10 00.30.100J Flake Gray, brown, beige stone flake in an almost-circular shape. One side is unworked and is gray and beige rough stone. It has some pitting and a rugged topography. The bottom face is smooth worked stone. The outer ring is white, then brown, then gray, then beige stone in the center. Gray specks in the stone on this face. 00.30.100J (Flake) image
11 00.30.100K Flake Small, yellow-hued and brown triangular-shaped stone with a ridge down the middle. Top face has several thin gray and beige lines in the left corner. Orange marks on the left side of the ridge. The bottom face is smooth and flat. Is brown and beige with the same gray and beige lines in the corner as on the top face. The top edge is flat. The other two edges are thin and the points are sharp. 00.30.100K (Flake) image
12 00.30.100L Flake Thin, flat gray stone flake in the shape of an oval. Left edge is flatter than the right one which is thin and sharp. Gray and black horizontal lines in the stone. One small part of the top face is flat but the lines are still visible. The back face has similar patterns but with beige and gray instead. Knap marks at the corners of the stone. 00.30.100L (Flake) image
13 00.30.100M Flake Small but thick stone flake. Most is beige with gray veins, then reddish beige, then unworked beige and gray stone at the top of the top face. Similar color patterning on the bottom face. Sides are red with gray and beige. Edges are thin and sharp. Points are sharp too. 00.30.100M (Flake) image
14 00.30.100N Flake Triangular shaped stone flake. Edges are thin and sharp. Top edge and right edge are the unworked stone of beige with gray specks. The rest of the top face is comprised of beige and gray faint stripes in the stone. The same color patterns are visible on the back face, but the back face is smooth. Few knap marks on one edge of the top face but the rest is smoothed out. 00.30.100N (Flake) image
15 00.30.100O Flake Brown stone flake. Top face has uneven topography - lowest elevations are brown, higher elevations are white and gray. Knap marks all over it. Bottom face is orangey-brown in the middle, white around that, brown around that, and beige unworked stone at the outside. Gray specks all over this surface. Smooth with ripples in it. Edges are thin and the points are sharp. 00.30.100O (Flake) image
16 00.30.100P Flake A beige and white stone flake with reddish veins. Oval shape. Edges are serrated and sharp. Top face is knapped and the surface is uneven. Bottom face is smooth with a red vein running the length of the stone down the middle. 00.30.100P (Flake) image
17 00.30.100Q Flake Dark gray stone in an irregular shape. Most of the stone is dark gray with black specks in it, quite thin with sharp edges. One edge is flat and has the unworked stone. There is a black stripe between the dark gray of the stone and the unworked stone. The unworked stone is beige and brown with gray and black specks in it. Several reddish brown circles in it. Is a possible shaft straightener. 00.30.100Q (Flake) image
18 00.30.100R Flake Thin, skinny rectangle-shaped stone flake. Edges are thin but not overly sharp, and points are sharp. Bottom face is smooth and flat. Has beige and gray and red (possibly rust) in the center, gray outside that, and two thin strips of the beige unworked stone at two edges. The top face has gray and beige smoothed stone in one section. The majority of the top face is unworked--the brown and gray original stone. Knap marks are at the edges. 00.30.100R (Flake) image
19 00.30.100S Flake An oval shaped gray and brown stone with white blotches. The bottom face is smooth. Most of it is the gray/brown color with white blotches. A small stripe at the top is pink with a gray spot in it. The top face is brown. One swath has beige specks in the stone. The next swath is white specks. The top swath is pink and red. This top face has a ridge going the length of the stone. The two points are sharp, and the edges are thin, sharp, and mildly serrated. 00.30.100S (Flake) image
20 00.30.100T Flake Small triangular stone flake. One edge is flat but the other two are thin and sharp. The points are also sharp. The stone is beige and red mottled all over it. The top face has a chip taken out of one edge to reveal beige and gray stone beneath. Knap marks at the edges and on the bottom face. 00.30.100T (Flake) image
21 00.30.100U Flake Stone flake in an oval shape with the bottom face more flat and the top face curved up and round and smooth. The top face is brown, white, and gray speckled. The bottom face is smooth and brown with black specks. The top edge is flat where it chipped off. The other edges are only slightly serrated but are mostly smooth. 00.30.100U (Flake) image
22 00.30.100V Scraper Orange scraper with sharp and serrated edges. The side closest to the user's hand has a thin crust of dark gray unworked stone. In the orange stone surrounding the gray patch are tiny sparkly specks. The orange section of the stone is comprised of varying shades of orange and is covered in tiny circles. This portion makes up the majority of the lithic. The smoothed bottom face has gray patches and shades of orange, plus the same tiny circles and sparkles as the top face. 00.30.100V (Scraper) image
23 00.30.100W Rock Fragment A Black, Brown and Grey Rock Fragment, one side has two chips taken out of it leaving the rest unworked and grey while the chips have left Brown stone, the otherside appears to have dried mud on it 00.30.100W (Rock Fragment) image
24 00.30.100X Core Beige stone core with red veins and gray specks over most of it. Top face has a circular gray spot in the stone with red ribboning around it. Both faces have knap marks and rugged topography. The stone curves into an arch with both sides and the middle being about the same thickness. 00.30.100X (Core) image
25 00.30.101AA Chip Beige stone chip with smooth sides. One face is dark brown with black specks, appearing to be the original stone. The next face is a dark beige. Another face is lighter beige, appearing to show the progression from unworked darker stone to worked lighter stone. Points are sharp. 00.30.101AA (Chip) image
26 00.30.101AB Flake Beige stone flake, appearing to be a partially-made projectile point. Bottom edge is pointed, not flat. Edges are thin and points are sharp. One face is smooth and has knap marks on the right edge. Tiny black specks in the stone, and small gray discolorations in the lower half. Other face is brown and white in the main portion of the stone, appearing to be the original stone. The worked sections by the point are knapped and thinner than the main section of the stone, also plain brown in color. Two small holes drilled into this face of the stone which are two of the gray discolorations on the other side. 00.30.101AB (Flake) image
27 00.30.101AC Chip White stone chip with gray specks in it. Irregular shape with a flat bottom. Top face has two ridges that come toward the middle where they meet. The edges are thin and sharp. Only one edge is more flat and is not sharp. 00.30.101AC (Chip) image
28 00.30.101AD Chip Brown stone chip. Top edge is brown and gray speckled, appearing to be the original unworked stone. The majority of the stone is worked and shows a pink-hued brown stone. This part has brown specks and white veins in the rock. All faces have knap marks but they are most evident on the top face. Back face is smoothed but shows knap marks at the bottom. The top edge that is brown and gray speckled shows knap marks and is rather uneven, showing the progression of rock color from when it was being knapped. The other edges are thinner and sharper. The points are sharp as well. 00.30.101AD (Chip) image
29 00.30.101AG Core Beige stone core with knap marks on all sides, showing gray specks inside the stone. Appears to be an almost-complete projectile point in an oval shape with points at both ends. Edges are serrated and sharp. One portion of the stone on the back face is broken off and leaves a smooth edge. 00.30.101AG (Core) image
30 00.30.101B Core Brown and gray stone core. Bottom face is smooth and has knap marks around the edges showing gray color below. Top face has a ridge down the middle running the length of the oval-shaped stone. The left side of the top face has rough topography of brown and beige bumpy stone. The right side of the front face is brown with gray color on the right edge. All edges are relatively sharp although not exceptionally thin. The two points at either end of the oval shape are sharp. 00.30.101B (Core) image
31 00.30.101C Core Gray stone core with knap marks on both faces. In the rough shape of a right triangle. Left edge is flat. Bottom edge is sharp and uneven, with one main protrusion at the left corner. The hypotenuse is slightly rounded out and is serrated but not very sharp. The bottom face is smoother than the top. Both faces are gray and gray-brown in color. 00.30.101C (Core) image
32 00.30.101D Chip Beige stone chip. Uneven thickness, irregular shape. Edges are thin, sharp, and uneven. Points are sharp. Knap marks on one face but the other face is smooth and more even. Small brown specks in the rock. 00.30.101D (Chip) image
33 00.30.101E Flake Thin, sharp-edged stone flake in a kite-shape. Four points are sharp. Knap marks on one face. Smooth on the other face. Both faces have patterning like that of a dapple gray horse, but brown and white in color. The side with the knap marks has a darker brown stripe down the left side. 00.30.101E (Flake) image
34 00.30.101I Core A white and gray stone core in an irregular shape. Most of the edges are sharp and thin, with only two being flat and smooth. Most of the stone is white. Knap marks and small scrapes reveal gray stone beneath it. The back face has one section appearing to be the unworked stone and is brown and gray. 00.30.101I (Core) image
35 00.30.101K Core Brown, gray, and white stone core. Waving, round patterns or spirals in the stone. Different lines in the rock are different colors. The stone is rectangular in shape but the right side is much thicker than the left side, like the left side had been worked more than the right. Both the front and back faces are very smooth. The left edge is thin, sharp, and smooth. The top and bottom edges are flat. The bottom edge is dark brown color, presumably the color of the original unworked stone. The right edge is uneven and shows the progression from unworked to worked stone from the bottom to the top. 00.30.101K (Core) image
36 00.30.101L Core Gray stone core. Very jagged and rough topography, in a rough rectangular shape. Knapp marks on both sides and all the edges. There is brown color in the stone especially on the front face. The corners are sharp. The top and right edges are sharp and thin. The left edge has sharp sections but has no single edge. The bottom edge is thin but less sharp than the others. The bottom face has rough topography in dark gray and red color. 00.30.101L (Core) image
37 00.30.101M Flake Stone flake with one face having a rough topography and brown and red in color. The other face is smooth with a brown stripe, pink-beige, lighter brown, and another pink-beige stripe in the rock from bottom to top. The shape is roughly rectangular with the top edges being slightly curved. The left edge is smooth and rounded and appears to be the original edge of the stone. The top and right edges are flat but show the original rock color that matches the stripes on the front of the stone. The bottom edge is the most jagged and matches the pattern of rock on the back face. 00.30.101M (Flake) image
38 00.30.101N Flake Brown and beige stone flake in a roughly rectangular in shape. One face is smooth. Most of it is beige, has a gray stripe, then brown and gray mottled stone. Other face has a ridge the length of the stone. Above the ridge is brown with a staircase-like pattern. The other part of the front face is beige, then a gray stripe, then brown and gray mottled stone at the tip. The edges are sharp and the points are thin. 00.30.101N (Flake) image
39 00.30.101O Core Triangular brown stone with gray specks in it. Top edge is flat and black and brown. Right edge is thin and left edge is flat but uneven with gray marks in the stone. The back face is brown with orange at the top and a ridge from left to right. Beige and gray circular marks in the stone. 00.30.101O (Core) image
40 00.30.101P Core Gray and beige stone core in a triangular shape. It is almost a projectile point, but the edges are uneven. Left edge is thin, jagged, and sharp. Right and bottom edges are thicker and more flat. The points are sharp. The top face is smooth with a ridge across part of it. The stone is beige, has gray marbled pattern and gray smooth pattern, and white smooth stone in it. The back face is smooth with a ridge across the middle of it. Gray, beige, and white veins on this face. 00.30.101P (Core) image
41 00.30.101Q Core Beige round stone core. Top face is uneven with knap marks. Bottom face is smooth with only one small ridge in the beige stone. The edges and the points are sharp and thin. 00.30.101Q (Core) image
42 00.30.101R Core Gray stone core. Bottom face is white with gray and is smooth. The top face is raised and is gray and brown in color, relatively smooth on each part of this face. The shape is irregular, could resemble a four-legged animal with no head, otherwise an irregular shape. The edges are thin and uneven, and the points are sharp. 00.30.101R (Core) image
43 00.30.101S Projectile Point Pink broken projectile point with only the top half present. Some veins in the stone are brown, gray, blue, and faint purple. Knap marks at the edges and the right side. The left side of the top face is smooth. The back face is covered in knap marks and small circular depressions. The right side on the back face has red and pink in the stone. The left half is pink and gray in color. The bottom edge that broke off the rest of the projectile point is smooth with one sharp edge protruding from it. 00.30.101S (Projectile Point) image
44 00.30.101T Scraper Gray stone scraper in a rectangular shape. The right short edge is rounded, and the left edge has a point sticking out. The left and bottom edges are thin and sharp. The right edge is sharp but not thin. The top edge is uneven and has the original color of stone--white with gray and brown specks in it. The main portion of the stone is gray with beige veins in it. The front face is smooth. The bottom portion of the stone on the front face had been knapped and then smoothed to a thinner edge that is the scraper part of the stone. The back face is the same color pattern and is smoothed as well. A slight curvature of the stone also indicates it was a scraper. 00.30.101T (Scraper) image
45 00.30.101U Core Stone core--a flat oval with a rectangular protrusion on one side of the oval. The top face is split into two sections of color based on the shape of the stone. Where the oval and rectangle shapes of the stone meet, there is a dark red stripe in the stone on this front face. The rectangle-shaped section of the top face is unworked and brown, beige, red, and gray with small amounts of pitting. The oval-shaped section of the top face is worked, smooth, beige and pink veins, with gray specks. Knap marks on one side and smoothed on the other. The back face is worked and smooth. It is first brown and gray unworked stone at one edge, then moves to a dark red stripe, then gray stone, and then beige, gray, and red pattern for the majority of the stone. Signs of the beginning of a drill hole in this section of the stone. 00.30.101U (Core) image
46 00.30.101V Flake Beige and white roughly round stone flake. One side smooth and beige in color with one strip of brown unworked stone along one side. Other face is mostly unworked stone in gray and beige colors. One small portion is smooth and worked stone. Shows knap marks on that smooth side at the edge. All edges are sharp and thin but the points are no sharper than the thin edges naturally are. 00.30.101V (Flake) image
47 00.30.101W Flake Stone flake. The shape of the stone is a rough rectangle shape with a triangular point pointing left. One face is smooth and of uneven thicknesses. Most is beige, a band in the middle and right side are gray. Leftmost corner is orange. The back face is smooth, worked stone on the left half and brown, rough, unworked stone on the right half. The top edge is the same unworked stone of brown and some white coloring. The left and bottom edges are thin, sharp, and have very few knap marks. 00.30.101W (Flake) image
48 00.30.101X Flake A White and Grey Stone Flake 00.30.101X (Flake) image
49 00.30.101Y Flake A White and Grey Stone Flake 00.30.101Y (Flake) image
50 00.30.101Z Flake A Grey and Brown Stone Flake 00.30.101Z (Flake) image