1996.13.33 (Cap, rain)

Yellow rain cap with snap closure. Top section of cap made of 4 triangular sections machine sewed together with lunate brim sewn on. Brim has yellow vinyl on both sides. Bottom section is one piece that covers neck & throat with stainless steel snap. Vinyl is lined with patterned cotton canvas. Patterns are red/green caricatures of children in situations where safety must be observed. Slogans such as "LET THAT BALL GO, JIMMIE!" "ONLY GOOFS STEAL RIDES", "WHOA THERE, SANDY - THE SIDEWALK IS THE PLACE TO PLAY!" "WAIT FOR THE GREEN LIGHT, BETTY" are next to the caricatures. Two primary slogans separate each two caricatures in green "WATCH FOR THE GREEN LIGHT" and in red "ALWAYS SAFETY FIRST". There is a white tag sewn into a seam on the interior of the hat with black lettering "SIZE LARGE". MPLS. Color: YL,WH,GR,RD

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